Friday, November 28, 2008


O.K. Enough is enough. If we are going to be the premier skate shop in Florida, we have to tighten up. Starting immediately, all Undercover team riders, their associates, MySpace friends, relatives, school teachers, neighbors, and such need to abide by these rules A.S.A.P.! Fall in ya' Pukes!
1. Abandon your friends! You don't need them anymore. Even if you've known them your whole life. You skate for us now and that's all that matters.
2. If your not with us, your against us. It doesn't matter if you skate or not.
3. You can only shop here. I don't care if your in Tampa and you need new bearings, deal with it! If you spend a nickle anywhere else your off the team!
4. I control the internet. If I don't approve of your top friends then guess what? Your off the team! You are no longer an individual!
5. I control who you skate with. If I don't like who they are or what they represent, then guess what? That's right, your off the team!
6. You must wear a shop shirt at all times. If you don't and I find out, I'll send you home to get one. If you don't go home and get one, then can you guess what might happen? I'll give you a hint: Your off the team!
7. Remember, I'm out to promote my shop, not skateboarding. Screw that. There's no money in that for me.
8. Never doubt me! I am in complete control! It feels so good to think that everyone buys into my bullshit, especially the young guys who don't know any better.
9. UNDERCOVER FOR LIFE FOOL! (or at least until I realize what life is really about and that it has nothing to do to with loyalty to a skate shop but moreso to do with how you treat people and that none of this stuff really matters)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hyped on this.

Killer cover for too many reasons.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

True Inspiration...

Johnny Romano lost a long and hard fought battle with cancer today. A true skateboarder in every sense of the word. You will be missed little man...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The cellar isn't so bad today.

Miami took it up to New England and put on a clinic. I guess Belichek's spycam was out of order.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bacon this Saturday

The guys from Bacon Skateboards will be at the shop this Saturday (9/20) for a signing at 5:00 P.M. Come and hang out with Tim Johnson, Benji Galloway, and the rest of the crew.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Check out the new episode of Epicly Later'd featuring Gino Iannucci. Go to the link below and get schooled about style. If you don't know, now's your chance.

Friday, September 5, 2008

R.I.P. Van Wastell

Gone before your time brother...respect is paid.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Proper display by J-Dog

My main man Jeremy Ledlow came by the shop the other day and installed some new display racks in the shop. They came out killer. If you ever need your closet organized, give him a call. Consultations are free, cold beer must be provided though.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


If you know who this guy is, then your on the right track. Think about this: What have you done for skateboarding? Seriously, think about it. Do you just take or do you give back? Would you rather vibe little kids out of a spot or take some time and show them how to kickflip? Maybe snake the groms until they give up and leave the ramp or help a couple of them learn how to drop in. I know what the guy in the picture would do, and in my opinion we all should aspire (in one way or another) to treat skateboarding the way that Lance Mountain has for the last 30 plus years.

Lance is a living legend who has had my respect since I picked up a skateboard. I don't think there was anyone who has as much fun skateboarding as Lance. His approach has always been light-hearted and fun, while holding his own against some of the biggest rippers of all time in the 80's. Lance has done it all with a smile on his face, an unwaivering faith in God, and a bag of tricks that you will never come close to matching. Lance continues to be a positive inspiration to skaters everywhere, so pay attention and learn something. Check your attitude at the door and leave the bad vibes at home. Let's do this.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lutzka gets his...

I never thought this would be a reality for a professional skateboarder...Yeah, it's for real.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Seven Keys to Success!

So your going along on your merry way, when suddenly the unthinkable happens: Someone opens a skate shop the next county over! Who the hell do they think they are? With these easy tips, you can derail the next-town-overs chance of ever having their own scene:

1. First off, get real mad and talk as much shit as you can to anyone who will listen (and even those who won't). Remember, your surrounded by people who kiss your ass because your a shop owner. Use that to your advantage.

2. Make some calls! That's right, call all the companies, sales reps, and distributors and tell them how mad you are! Be sure to mention important details about the owner that you think may help your argument. If the guy can't get any product, then he can't have a shop right? Right! Don't forget to threaten to stop ordering from their company if they open up with the new guy.

CAUTION: This tactic may backfire when all the people you talk to end up talking to the new shop owner and figuring out that he is really down for skateboarding and has been for over 20 years.

3. Lie! Probably the most important thing to do. Tell people things like "He doesn't even skate!" or "I'm a real skater!". Most importantly, if your ever confronted about lying, LIE SOME MORE! Momma' didn't raise no quitter!

4. Get your name out there!!! Forget selling hard goods from core skate companies when you can just sell your own! Put your name on everything! Remember, the kids don't know the difference between a cheap distribution house deck that you can mark way up and a quality stick from Deluxe. Use that to your advantage! They're young and impresionable! Use them!!!

CAUTION: Sometimes if you have too many people sporting your gear in one place, they look more like a soccer team than a bunch of hardend rippers.

5. Nike SB? No way. You can't have that. Remind everyone one about how much they suck and how they are not a "real" skate shoe company. Remember to not let anyone know that Ipath is owned by Timerland though.

CAUTION: If you ever carried a Nike SB and lost the account for selling stuff to Japanese kids on Ebay, you might not want to make a big issue out of it. It might make you look like a fool.

6. Lurk out the other guy's town and sell stuff out of your car. That's right, load up your station wagon and hock product out of it like your selling onions on the side of the road in Georgia. Let the other guy know who's the boss!!! Just stay foucused and remember, you doing all of this for the kids.

CAUTION: This tactic may make you look desperate and cause some people to ask why you even have a store in the first place if you just going to sell stuff out of your car.

7. Myspace is the key!!! Instead of reading a book, drawing, painting, working on getting a degree online or whatever, lurk Myspace all day. It's the only way to see what's really going on with skateboarding. Plus you can keep a close eye on you evil nemisis and watch his every move. Be sure to delete any 9 year olds who may have the competitions shop as a friend. That won't be tolerated!!! All kids must see the ugly, selfish side of the "sketchy skateboard industry" (Meronek) as early as possible! Remember, Myspace is like a game of chess, only with out the application of skill, logic, or strategy.

CAUTION: Chances are the other guy isn't an idiot. There's a small chance that he may even be smarter than you. If that's the case, be cautious! He may be a few steps ahead of you, but then again, he may not.

Just follow these seven easy steps and you will be well on your way making sure that your shop is the only place in three counties where skaters are allowed to shop!

Remember folks, it's all just witty banter...have fun with it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pork Report - 8/12/08

This weekend is our final contest of the summer, Back to the Books 2008. The format will be a game of skate with the standard rules applying. The entry fee will be $5.00 and we'll have several divisions and age groups. We'll also have our freinds A.J. Kohn and the One Skateboards crew hanging out for the day. Come check it out and have a good time.

We'll be open this Sunday for all your last-minute back to school shopping also.

The Bacon Skateboards crew will be at Undercover on Saturday, September 6th around 5:00 P.M. to chill out and sign autographs. Come meet Tim Johnson, Benji Galloway, and the rest of the crew...

Get well soon shout-outs: Teak, Daver, and Ledlow...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

KR3W Thick...

Ft. Pierce asked for it, so they're getting it. Look for our first KR3W product to be arriving in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

United By Fate: Episode 4 Premier

Undercover will be premiering the latest United By Fate video in October. This episode will feature my main man Lutzka and Mark Appleyard. We're going big for this, so stay tuned for details...

Monday, August 4, 2008

I've Fallen and I can't get up!

Fallen Footwear is on the way, along with alot of the other stuff that "Undercover will never be able to get". Right.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Foot Fetish

After being open for over a year, we're finally getting our stock of shoes built up. It's taken awhile, but now we've got a pretty good selection with more coming in daily. We'll be doing an Undercover/Vans collaboration shoe with John Cardiel next summer. It's going to be super tight and super limited. I just wish it was true.

New 'es Kicks

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I'm going to start doing the Pork Report here. Everytime I sign onto MySpace I feel like that old guy at the dance club. Anyhow, look for various rants and raves to be posted here and on our website. Running the shop's MySpace page like a sale insert in the Sunday paper doesn't really appeal to me.

Here's the flier for our last contest of the summer. If you haven't noticed, we like to throw contests. When I was just a little skate rat I used to like going to all the local contests and chillin' with my homies. That's why we do so many, because it's fun and I get to give stuff away.